Ethereal and HTTP
Go through the book's Ethereal/HTTP lab (click here). Print out this worksheet to answer the questions on.
Python Web Programming
(Based on Ch. 6 of the Goerzen book) We will go over Python examples of programs that do the following:
- Downloading web pages
- HTTP authentication
- Submitting web forms
- Python CGI programming (Goerzen, Ch. 18)
- Cookies
Related Links
- HTTP Primer - for writing client/server programs with the HTTP protocol
- Python CGI Tutorial (basic)
Using Scapy
Scapy ( is an interactive packet manipulation program. Actually, it is a Python module built upon, among other things, libpcap -- a system-independent interface for user-level package capture. From the Scapy web page: "It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more."