CSC498 - Semantic Web - Homework 1 - Fall 2005

Nadeem Abdul Hamid - Berry College

Part 1

For this assignment, imagine that you are the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of a small online bookstore. Your task is to create an XML DTD for the store's catalog and a sample XML document that is valid with respect to the DTD.

At a minimum, the catalog should be able to include the descriptions of many books. Important information about a book includes its title, authors, publisher and publication date, price, and buyer reviews or ratings. You are encouraged to include other information that you feel would be useful. The XML catalog document must include the details for five books (which may be real books or made-up ones, depending on how creative you feel).

Part 2

For the second part of this assignment, create an XML Schema document that represents the same structure as the DTD you developed in Part 1.


This assignment is due by 5PM, Monday, September 12, 2005. Please send it to me by e-mail. Your grade will be based primarily on completeness and whether or not your XML document is valid with respect to your DTD. Few, if any, points will be based on style.


Berry College