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All source code that you produce for this course must conform to the following style guide, adapted from the textbook's Appendix A.


This coding style guide is a simplified version of one that has been used with good success both in industrial practice and for college courses.

A style guide is a set of mandatory requirements for layout and formatting. Uniform style makes it easier for you to read code from your instructor and classmates. You will really appreciate that if you do a team project. It is also easier for your instructor and your grader to grasp the essence of your programs quickly.

A style guide makes you a more productive programmer because it reduces gratuitous choice. If you don't have to make choices about trivial matters, you can spend your energy on the solution of real problems.

In these guidelines, several constructs are plainly outlawed. That doesn't mean that programmers using them are evil or incompetent. It does mean that the constructs are not essential and can be expressed just as well or even better with other language constructs.

If you already have programming experience, in Java or another language, you may be initially uncomfortable at giving up some fond habits. However, it is a sign of professionalism to set aside personal preferences in minor matters and to compromise for the benefit of your group.

These guidelines are necessarily somewhat dull. They also mention features that you may not yet have seen in class. Here are the most important highlights:

Source Files

Each Java program is a collection of one or more source files. The executable program is obtained by compiling these files. Organize the material in each file as follows:

The comment explaining the purpose of this file should be in the format recognized by the javadoc utility. Start with a /**, and use the @author and @version tags:

Classes to manipulate widgets.
Solves CSC121 homework assignment #3
@author Harry Hacker
@version 2005-02-15


Each class should be preceded by a class comment explaining the purpose of the class.

In general, you should first list all private features, then all public features.

Within the public and private sections of the class, use the following order:

  1. Static/Final Fields (public/private)
  2. Instance Fields (private)
  3. Constructors (public)
  4. Instance Methods (public/private)
  5. Static Methods (public/private)
  6. Inner classes (public/private)

Leave a blank line after every method.

All non-final variables should be private. (However, instance variables of a private inner class may be public.) Methods and final variables can be either public or private, as appropriate.

All features must be tagged public or private. Do not use the default visibility (that is, package visibility) or the protected attribute.

Avoid static variables (except final ones) whenever possible. In the rare instance that you need static variables, you are permitted one static variable per class.


Every method (except for main) starts with a comment in javadoc format.

Convert calendar date into Julian day.
Note: This algorithm is from Press et al., Numerical Recipes
in C, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1992
@param day day of the date to be converted
@param month month of the date to be converted
@param year year of the date to be converted
@return the Julian day number that begins at noon of the
given calendar date.
public static int dat2jul(int day, int month, int year)
. . .

Methods must have at most 30 lines of code. The method signature, comments, blank lines, and lines containing only braces are not included in this count. This rule forces you to break up complex computations into separate methods.

Variables and Constants

Do not define all variables at the beginning of a block:

double xold; // Don't
double xnew;
boolean more;
. . .

Define each variable just before it is used for the first time:

. . .
double xold = Integer.parseInt(input);
boolean more = false;
while (more)
double xnew = (xold + a / xold) / 2;
. . .
. . .

Do not define two variables on the same line:

int dimes = 0, nickels = 0; // Don't

Instead, use two separate definitions:

int dimes = 0; // OK
int nickels = 0;

In Java, constants must be defined with the keyword final. If the constant is used by multiple methods, declare it as static final. It is a good idea to define static final variables as private if no other class has an interest in them.

Do not use magic numbers! A magic number is a numeric constant embedded in code, without a constant definition. Any number except -1, 0, 1, and 2 is considered magic:

if (p.getX() < 300) // Don't

Use final variables instead:

final double WINDOW_WIDTH = 300;
. . .
if (p.getX() < WINDOW_WIDTH) // OK

Even the most reasonable cosmic constant is going to change one day. You think there are 365 days per year? Your customers on Mars are going to be pretty unhappy about your silly prejudice. Make a constant

public static final int DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365;

so that you can easily produce a Martian version without trying to find all the 365s, 364s, 366s, 367s, and so on, in your code.

When declaring array variables, group the [] with the type, not the variable.

int[] values; // OK
int values[]; // Ugh--this is an ugly holdover from C

When using collections, use type parameters and not  raw  types.

ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); // OK 
ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); // Not OK

Control Flow

The if Statement

Avoid the "if ... if ... else" trap. The code

if ( ... )
if ( ... ) ...;
else ...;

will not do what the indentation level suggests, and it can take hours to find such a bug. Always use an extra pair of { ... } when dealing with "if ... if ... else":

if ( ... )
if ( ... ) ...;
} // {...} are necessary
else ...;

if ( ... )
if ( ... ) ...;
else ...;
} // {...} not necessary, but they keep you out of trouble

The for Statement

Use for loops only when a variable runs from somewhere to somewhere with some constant increment/decrement:

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

Or, even better, use the "for each" loop:

for (int e : a) 

Do not use the for loop for weird constructs such as

for (a = a / 2; count < ITERATIONS; System.out.println(xnew))
// Don't

Make such a loop into a while loop. That way, the sequence of instructions is much clearer.

a = a / 2;
while (count < ITERATIONS) // OK
{ . . .

Nonlinear Control Flow

Avoid the switch statement, because it is easy to fall through accidentally to an unwanted case. Use if/else instead.

Try to avoid the break or continue statements in loops. Use another boolean variable to control the execution flow.


Do not tag a method with an overly general exception specification:

Widget readWidget(Reader in)   throws Exception // Bad

Instead, specifically declare any checked exceptions that your method may throw:

Widget readWidget(Reader in)
throws IOException, MalformedWidgetException // Good

Do not "squelch" exceptions:

double price = in.readDouble();
catch (Exception e)
{} // Bad

Beginners often make this mistake "to keep the compiler happy". If the current method is not appropriate for handling the exception, simply use a throws specification and let one of its callers handle it.

Lexical Issues

Naming Convention

The following rules specify when to use upper- and lowercase letters in identifier names.

Names must be reasonably long and descriptive. Use firstPlayer instead of fp. No drppng of vwls. Local variables that are fairly routine can be short (ch, i) as long as they are really just boring holders for an input character, a loop counter, and so on. Also, do not use ctr, c, cntr, cnt, c2 for variables in your method. Surely these variables all have specific purposes and can be named to remind the reader of them (for example, current, next, previous, result, . . . ). However, it is customary to use single-letter names, such as T or E for generic types.

Indentation and White Space

Use indentation stops every three or four columns. Use spaces instead of actual tab characters. (An IDE like Eclipse probably already has this handled for you. Otherwise, you may need to change the tab stop settings in your editor!)

Use blank lines freely to separate parts of a method that are logically distinct.

Every line must fit on 80 columns. If you must break a statement, add an indentation level for the continuation:

a[n] = ..................................................
+ .................;

Start the indented line with an operator (if possible).

  If the condition in an if or while statement must be broken, be sure to brace the body in, even if it consists of only one statement:

if ( .........................................................
&& ..................
|| .......... )
. . .

If it weren't for the braces, it would be hard to separate the continuation of the condition visually from the statement to be executed.


Opening and closing braces must line up, either horizontally or vertically:

while (i < n) { System.out.println(a[i]); i++; }

while (i < n)

Some programmers don't line up vertical braces but place the { behind the key word:

while (i < n) { // ALTERNATE

You may use this style, but note that doing so makes it hard to check that the braces match. Whichever style you use, do so consistently.